Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trick Question: School Bus Math

You're driving a school bus that starts out EMPTY.
You pick up TWO kids at the first stop.
You pick up TWO more kids at the next stop.
Two more kids get on at the last stop.

Question: What is the COLOR of the bus driver's eyes?

Answer: Watch the video to see the answer!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mixed Up Words: Desert Versus Dessert

Deserts are hot and dry.
We hate deserts.
Picture a cactus with ONE S on it.
Desert has ONE S.

Desserts are tasty treats.
We love desserts.
Picture TWO scoops with eSSes.
Dessert has TWO eSSes.

Dinofact: The Sahara desert is the biggest tropical desert in the world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Optical Illusion: Two Lines of Equal Length

In this Optical Illusion two similar lines are displayed, one with additional lines jutting outward the other with additional lines directed inward.

One line appears to be longer than the other. Are the lines different lengths or equal?